Dal vocabolario italiano: Inverse

  • Having the properties of an inverse.


      *Japanese: あべこべな (abekobe na)
    • Swedish: invers c

  • = inverse
    1. The reverse version of a procedure
    2. : Removing ones shoes is the inverse of putting one's shoes on''
    3. An element of an algebraic structure, which yields the identity when applied to a given element.
    4. : The inverse of 2 under addition is -2, under multiplication it is 1/2.
    5. A function which when composed with a given function yields the identity function.
    6. A statement constructed from the negatives of the premise and conclusion of some other statement.


      *Japanese: あべこべ (abekobe)

    inverse f
  • Feminine plural form of inverso

  • Etimologia mancante

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